Thursday, August 26, 2010

Must Love Camping?!?!

I recently jumped back into the online dating world and the one common denominator of all of the men who post is their love of CAMPING!

If you know me, you KNOW that camping is not really my thing. My idea of camping involves a hot shower and flushing toilets. If I have those things, I can probably camp for a few days. However, I can't say that MY idea of camping is probably what most people think about camping.

My family really didn't do much camping when I was younger, but there are a few photos that exist but show us in tents in Yosemite with cots. Not exactly roughing it...

My sister, brother in law and their children are all about camping and visit Yosemite at least once a year.

What's most ironic is that I have all the gear to go camping: a sleeping bag, a really nice sleeping pad, tent, camp chair and a latern.

Instead of camping, I'd rather be in a plush hotel room in a fluffy robe, a glass of bubbly in my hands, and a spa appointment for a massage.

Perhaps Mr. Right can change my mind about camping? I'll guess we'll have to see ...

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